

saltheadtime – Convert header times to different time systems.


saltheadtime images (timetype) (writetoheader) (clobber) logfile (verbose) (debug)


String. List of input images. Data can be provided as a comma-separated list, or a string with a wildcard (e.g. ‘images=S*.fits’), or a foreign file containing an ascii list of image filenames. For ascii list option, the filename containing the list must be provided preceded by a ‘@’ character, e.g. 'images=@listoffiles.lis‘. Conversion to HJD and BJD required object positions, so calibration files with no target information in the headers should not be used.
(timetype) [JD(UTC)|JD(TT)|MJD(TT)|HJD(TT)|BJD(TDB)]

String. The time system to which the UTC header time(s) from images should be converted. Options include Julian date, referenced to either UTC or TT (terrestrial time), Modified Julian date, Heliocentric Julian date, and Barycentric Julian Date. Details are below.

JD: Julian Date is the number of days since 01 January 4713 BC. The formula used here is from JD(UTC) has time referenced to the coordinated universal timescale, which is slightly slower than JD(TT), which has time referenced to Terrestrial time.

UTC vs TT: Terrestrial time (TT) is based on atomic time (TAI). It is the recommended reference timescale by IAU XXIII resolution B.1, so we reference all times to it. Many people use JD referenced to coordinated universal time (UTC), so we provide that option as well. TT depends on leap seconds, and the conversion between UTC, TT, and TAI as a function of date is located at We only use the table back to 1999; therefore, dates prior to 1999 are invalid. NOTE: this information must be updated when new leap seconds are added!

MJD: Modified Julian date (MJD) corresponds to days since midnight on 17 November 1858, or 2400000.5 JD. We reference it to Terrestrial Time (TT).

HJD: Heliocentric Julian Date (HJD) is the Julian Date adjusted to the center of the Sun. We reference it to Terrestrial Time (TT). HJD depends on the JD of the observation (from which we get the position of Sun, in terms of the solar longitude and the obliquity of the ecliptic), and the object RA and DEC. The intent of HJD is to make a first-order accounting of the paralactic time shift between the positions of the Earth and the Sun.

The obliquity of the ecliptic calculation we use is from the 2009 Astronomical Almanac, pg. C5, Low precision formulas for the Sun. These equations give the apparent coordinates of the Sun to a precision of 0.01 degrees and the equation of time to 0.01 min between 1950 and 2050.

The longitude of the sun and formula for the distance/time the light must travel between the Earth and Sun are from _Observational Astronomy_ by D.S Birney, Cambridge Univ. Press, 1991, pages 248-251. (Note that there is a typo in the final equation on p251.) This equation is supposedly accurate to 0.008s, the correction for the Earth’s orbital eccentricity; however, the obilquity of the ecliptic does have some error as well. Tests with obliquity of +/- 0.01 deg show a change in resulting HJD of 0.01s.

BJD: Barycentric JD is relative to the dynamical center-of-mass (barycenter) of the Solar System. We reference it to Barycentric Dynamical Time (TDB). There is not an easy formula to convert between this system and others. Here we follow the basic formula from C. Marquardts description at Rather than following that ephemeris interpolation scheme, we use the bulit-in numpy interpolation function.

We account for three effects: geometric (geometric time-delay in the Solar System), Einstein (relativistic), and Shapiro (photon bending). The output is JD(TT) plus the sum of these corrections. Note that there is NO dispersion time correction. Also, the location is assumed to be the center of the Earth: no observatory information is included. Tests with other BJD calculators indicate that the accuracy of this function is on the order of 10^(-5) seconds.

Shortly after this code was created, we were directed to a manuscript on astro-ph with a nice calculation of BJD for exoplanet observations (Eastman, Siverd, and Gaudi,2010; arXiv: 1005.4415v2). A comparison between the equations in that paper and in this code is as follows:

Romer delay, delta_Rsun same as geometric correction Clock correction, delta_C same conversion to TT; Einstein correction is TDB-TT component Shaprio delay, delta_Ssun same as Shaprio correction Einstein delay, delta_Esun not considered – is observatory location wrt geocenter

This function requires ephemeris files for the Sun and the Earth. The appropriate files are located in XXdirectory. The current files, sun.eph and earth.eph are valid from 1999 Jan 01 to 2012 Jan 01 (although the farther into the future the dates go, the less accurate they will be). To generate new files, send the following text (edited to your email address and desired dates) to with the word job (sans quotes) in the subject line. The object is altered by the value of COMMAND: ‘10’ is the Sun and ‘399’ is the Earth. The ephemeris is assumed to be DE405. Note that the ephemerides should NOT be light-time corrected.

!$$SOF (ssd) JPL/Horizons Execution Control VARLIST

!Oct 30,2002



!NOTE:First line in this file must start!$$SOF

!Last line in this file must start!$$EOF

!Assigned values should be in quotes









START_TIME=‘1999-Jan-01 00:00’

STOP_TIME=‘2012-Jan-01 00:00’

STEP_SIZE=‘1 day’










R_T_S_ONLY=’NO’ !$$EOF~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The reply to this message will contain header and footer information as well as the ephemerides. DELETE the header and footer information (retaining only the lines between $$SOE and $$EOE). Then save the files in UNIX text format as sun.eph and earth.eph in XXdirectory.

Boolean. If writetoheader=’yes’ then the new time will be entered as a new line(s) in the header(s) of the images. If the keyword already exists, the clobber setting determines whether or not it will be overwritten. Note that none of the header items from the original data file will be overwritten or deleted. Only dates/times specific to this tool are modified.
Boolean. If clobber=’yes’ and writetoheader=’yes’, any exisiting header keywords and values will be overwritten by the new ones.
String. Name of an ascii file for storing log and error messages written by the task. The file may be new, or messages can also be appended to a pre-existing file.
Boolean. If verbose=n, log messages will be suppressed. Currently, there are no messages specific to verbose.


saltheadtime reads the UTC header time from salitcam data and converts it to a different time system. The original header time, and the new time, are displayed. If desired, the new time can be written to the file header with the appropriate keyword and comment.

There are currently five selections for alternative times: Julian Date (UTC), Julian Date (TT), Modified Julian Date (TT), Heliocentric Julian Date (TT), and Barycentric Julian Date (TDB).


  1. To see the MJD times for all images in the directory:

    --> saltheadtime images=*.fits timetype='MJD(TT)' writetoheader='no'
    logfile='salt.log' verbose='yes' debug='no'
  2. To write the HJD time of one file to the header:

    --> saltheadtime images=S200809010002.fits timetype='HJD(TT)'
    writetoheader='yes' logfile='salt.log' verbose='yes' debug='no'

Time and disk requirements

Disk requirements are negligible since only change is adding one line to the header. Takes < 0.5 sec per file, including writing to header, on saltastro (19 May 2010).

Bugs and limitations

Only SALTICAM data have been tested (full frame, FT, and slotmode, raw and pipeline-reduced).

Send feedback and bug reports to


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