saltclean – Gain, debias, flat field, xtalk and mosaic images in one step
saltclean rawpath obslog gaindb xtalkfile geomfile subover trim median function order rej_lo rej_hi niter masbias subbias (cleanup) (clobber) logfile verbose (status)
String. This is the name and path to an ascii table that contains the amplifier gains specific to a SALT instrument. The table is used to gain-correct amplifier raw count images. Gain is assumed to be uniform across an individual amplifier but assumed to vary from amplifier to amplifier. An example of the table format follows:
# Database of SALTICAM CCD amplifier properties
# 10 Aug 2006 - Telescope Data
SLOW FAINT 1.06 3.60 300 amp1
SLOW FAINT 0.99 3.43 300 amp2
SLOW FAINT 1.06 3.71 300 amp3
SLOW FAINT 1.07 3.69 300 amp4
SLOW BRIGHT 2.32 3.98 300 amp1
SLOW BRIGHT 2.17 3.78 300 amp2
SLOW BRIGHT 2.32 4.07 300 amp3
SLOW BRIGHT 2.33 3.96 300 amp4
FAST FAINT 1.55 5.22 300 amp1
FAST FAINT 1.45 5.11 300 amp2
FAST FAINT 1.53 5.51 300 amp3
FAST FAINT 1.58 5.61 300 amp4
FAST BRIGHT 4.26 6.39 300 amp1
FAST BRIGHT 3.96 5.88 300 amp2
FAST BRIGHT 4.21 6.35 300 amp3
FAST BRIGHT 4.32 7.02 300 amp4
READOUT and GAINSTATE are the CCD readout speed and gain setting respectively. The GAIN column refers to the multiplicative gain factor. RDNOISE refers to readout noise and BIAS refers to typical CCD bias levels. These data are calibrated regularly at the telescope and provided by the SALT project. Recent versions of the table are provided in the SALT IRAF distribution at salt$salticam/data/SALTICAMamps.dat and salt$pfis/data/PFISamps.dat, and updates will be publicized on the SALT web site at
String. This is the name of an ascii table that contains the CCD amplifier crosstalk coeffcients. The table is used to subtract cross-talk contamination from the CCD amplifier images. Crosstalk is assumed to occur at a constant level across an individual amplifier, but the coefficients are assumed to vary across amplifer pairs. An example of the table format follows:
# PFIS CCD amplifier crosstalk data
# from 20041201 gain = bright distortion image, outer amps duplicated
# Date VCTM 2 1 4 3 6 5
# SRC 1 2 3 4 5 6
2004-01-01 .001474 .001474 .001166 .001111 .001377 .001377
The crosstalk-corrected amplifier image is given by SRC - VCTM * coeff.
String. Ascii formatted file containing geometric data for the IRAF task geotran which mosaics individual amplifiers into a single image:
# SALTICAM CCD Geometry data
# Translation and rotation of chip1 relative to chip2
# Date gap xshift(1) yshift(1) rot(1)
2004-01-01 109 -54.5 0.0 0.0
String. The functional form of the fit intended to characterize the the bias structure in the ovrscan region. The user has variety of function options to choose from:
chebyshev - Chebyshev polynomial
polynomial - standard polynomial
legendre - Legendre polynomial
spline1 - linear splines
spline3 - cubic splines
If the chebyshev, legendre of spline functions are called then saltbias will use the IRAF task colbias to subtract the overscan bias from science frames and trim the images.
The standard chain of reduction for cleaning SALT science images is to prepare files for reduction (task saltprepare), mutliply each amplifier by a gain factor (saltgain), correct for amplifier cross talk on each CCD (saltxtalk), sbtract the bias level from the images and trim the underscan/overscan regions (saltbias) and mosaic the amplifiers into a single image (pmosaic and smosaic). Full descriptions of these tasks are available within this package. saltclean calls each of the tasks listed above in turn in order to perform a standard pipeline reduction. The task also discriminates between images from different instruments, differing on-chip binning, gain setting, readout speed and readout mode, in order to apply appropriate calibrations and reduction. Slot mode data is reduced as special case at the end of the saltclean chain using the subtask saltslot.
saltclean cannot be run until a formatted observation has been created by the task saltlog.
SALTICAM science images are split beween four readout amplifiers (two nodes on each of two CCDs in a linear array). RSS science images are split beween six readout amplifiers (two nodes on each of three CCDs in a linear array). Each anplifer is stored in a separate FITS image extension of a file. Generally one file corresponds to one exposure, except in the case of slot mode observing where multiple exposures are stored in each file. Generic scalar information, e.g. telescope pointing, time, telescope diagnostics are stored as keywords in the primary extension of the file. Amplifier-dependent information, e.g. location on the detector plane, is stored as keywords in the image extensions.
The observation log obslog is a formatted FITS table file which is created by the task saltlog. It contains tabulated keyword records from a list of raw image files. All raw image files must reside in a single directory, referenced with the rawpath input argument. Data from multiple nights or observing runs may be mixed. While files from multiple instruments can be stored in the rawpath directory, only files from a single instrument can be referenced within the observation log file. Each instrument must have a separate observation log. saltclean will reduce files from only one instrument in a single call. If both RSS and SALTICAM data are to be reduced, two separate calls to saltclean are required.
The saltprepare sub-task performs format consistency check on the raw files and adds some keywords required for pipeline reduction. It outputs new files with the prefix ‘p’.
Gain correction factors are stored in an ascii file and given to saltclean using the gaindb argument. They are employed in the saltgain subtask. It is the user responsibility to ensure that the gain factor file is suitable for all images files stored in the observation log. The saltgain task will fail with an error message if the gain file is incompatible. saltgain is the only subtask which does not create new data files. It simply updates the files created by saltprepare. Typically gain files will be named /iraf/extern/salt/salticam/data/SALTICAMamps.dat or /iraf/extern/salt/pfis/data/PFISamps.dat.
Cross talk correction ceofficents are stored in an ascii file and given to saltclean using the xtalkfile argument. They are employed in the saltxtalk subtask. It is the user responsibility to ensure that the cross talk coefficent file is suitable for all images files stored in the observation log. The saltxtalk task will fail with an error message if the cross talk file is incompatible. Typically cross talk files will be named /iraf/extern/salt/salticam/data/SALTICAMxtalk.dat or /iraf/extern/salt/pfis/data/PFISxtalk.dat.
If mbias=’yes’ saltclean will employ task saltbias to create one or more master bias frames. These frames are intended to characterize residual structure in the bias distribution after overscan subtraction. While there is often residual bias structure in the images it is currently unclear how stable it is over time, so the default is currently for master biases to be created in the pipeline but not subtracted from science images.
saltclean filters through the obervation log and isolates all bias frames. Based on the contents of the INSTRUME, DETMODE, CCDTYPE, CCDSUM, GAINSET and ROSPEED keywords, saltclean will create one or more master bias frames using the functionality within the saltbias subtask. Output master bias frames have names constructed to the following rules: IYYYYMMDD{Mo}{NxN}{Gn}{Sp}.fits:
I - the instrument, either S=SALTICAM, P=RSS
YYYY - the year portion of the starting date of the night's observations
MM - the month portion
DD - the day portion
Mo - the detector mode. It is not included if mode=full frame. Mo=FT if
mode=frame transfer and Mo=Sl if mode=slot mode or videa mode.
NxM - N is the integer pixel binning in the x direction, M the pixel
binning in the y direction.
Gn - The gain setting. Gn=Br if GAINSET=BRIGHT, or Gr=Fa if GAINSET=
Sp - The readout speed. Sp=Fa if ROSPEED=FAST, or Sp=Sl if ROSPEED=
All science, bias, arc and flat field frames can be debiased using polynomial fits to the y-structure in the overscan region of the image, defined by the BIASSEC keyword. Use subover=’y’. The type of function used in the fit and the order of the function are saltclean arguments, where funtion=polynomial or chebyshev or legendre or spline1 or spline3 and order>0. Sigma clipping is performed during the fit. The saltclean user must choose upper and lower sigma thresholds and a maximum number of iterations before stopping. Details can be found in the saltbias help document. The user also has the choice of averaging the overscan columns as a mean or median before fitting the function. median=’no’ will invoke mean averaging and is the default. The overscan and underscan regions will be removed from the resulting images if trim=’y’. This step is recommended. The underscan region is not suitable for measuring the bias level.
As a final step, image files are mosaiced so that the individual amplifiers are combined into a single image. The user must provide a CCD geometry definition file to saltclean using the geomfile argument. Mosacing is performed by one of the two IRAF tasks smosaic or pmosaic. During the mosaicing RSS longslit science images are interpolated across the chip gaps. This facilitates source tracing during spectral extraction. Typically, geometry files will be named /iraf/extern/salt/salticam/data/SALTICAMgeom.dat or /iraf/extern/salt/pfis/data/PFISgeom.dat.
Lastly, saltclean treats slot mode data as a special case. While slot mode data can be reduced using all of the tasks (this statement excludes mosaicing), a special task has been written to perform the steps in a faster procedure. The one drawback is the loss of bias level definition along the overscan columns, but this equates to a < 1 count deviation from the top of the slot to the bottom. saltclean calls the subtask saltslot which performs the pipeline chain at speeds faster than slot mode is taken, to ensure that the pipeline never develops a backlog due to data capacity. All slot mode data contained in the observation log are reduced separately at the end of the sequence of tasks. Slot mode files are not mosaiced in the saltclean procedure.
Output normal, and frame transfer mode files will have prefixes ‘mbxp’. Output slot mode files will have prefixes ‘bxp’. Intermediate files created during the saltclean procedure, e.g. with prefixes, ‘p’, ‘xp’, ‘bxp’ etc can be deleted from the working directory at the end of the task by specifying cleanup=’yes’. The default is cleanup=’no’.
1. To reduce raw image files residing the directory /Volumes/data, subtracting suitable master bias frames:
--> saltclean rawpath='/Volumes/data' obslog='S20070816OBSLOG.fits'
subover='yes' trim='yes' median='no' function='polynomial'
order=3 rej_lo=3.0 rej_hi=3.0 niter=10 masbias='yes'
subbias='yes' logfile='salt.log' verbose='yes'
2. To reduce raw image files residing the directory /Volumes/data, create master bias frames but do not subtract them from science images, overwrite exisitng files and delete imtermediate files:
--> saltclean rawpath='/Volumes/data' obslog='S20070816OBSLOG.fits'
subover='yes' trim='yes' median='no' function='polynomial'
order=3 rej_lo=3.0 rej_hi=3.0 niter=10 masbias='yes'
subbias='no' cleanup='yes' clobber='yes' logfile='salt.log'
Individual unbinned full frame RSS image files can be 112MB in size. It is recommended to use workstations with a minimum of 512MB RAM. On a linux machine with 2.8 Ghz processor and 2 Gb of RAM, one 2051x2051 image in 0.31 sec. Slot mode data can be processed up to 80 000 exposures per hour at that benchmark.
Currently no error propagation is performed through the calculations. This can occur once the saltprepare tool writes bad pixel and variance maps to raw data.
Functionality to flat field science frames is currently not included in the processing chain. Flat fielding will not become appropriate until the SALT payload is fully baffled.
The task currently assumes that no non-standard science windows are used. this ambiguity may cause problems when subtracting master bias frames and the mosaicing tools are untested on unusual science window dimensions.
There is no current fucntionality for the removal of CCD fringe structure, prevalant at the blue and red ends of SALT’s bandpass.
There is no functionality to handle eligantly changes in calibration data, such as those contained in gaindb and xtalkfile, over time. Currently calibration files are good for one date only.
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