saltgain – CCD amplifier gain correction for images
saltgain images gaindb mult logfile (verbose)
String. This is the name and path to an ascii table that contains the amplifier gains specific to a SALT instrument. The table is used to gain-correct amplifier raw count images. Gain is assumed to be uniform across an individual amplifier but assumed to vary from amplifier to amplifier. An example of the table format follows:
# Database of SALTICAM CCD amplifier properties
# 10 Aug 2006 - Telescope Data
SLOW FAINT 1.06 3.60 300 amp1
SLOW FAINT 0.99 3.43 300 amp2
SLOW FAINT 1.06 3.71 300 amp3
SLOW FAINT 1.07 3.69 300 amp4
SLOW BRIGHT 2.32 3.98 300 amp1
SLOW BRIGHT 2.17 3.78 300 amp2
SLOW BRIGHT 2.32 4.07 300 amp3
SLOW BRIGHT 2.33 3.96 300 amp4
FAST FAINT 1.55 5.22 300 amp1
FAST FAINT 1.45 5.11 300 amp2
FAST FAINT 1.53 5.51 300 amp3
FAST FAINT 1.58 5.61 300 amp4
FAST BRIGHT 4.26 6.39 300 amp1
FAST BRIGHT 3.96 5.88 300 amp2
FAST BRIGHT 4.21 6.35 300 amp3
FAST BRIGHT 4.32 7.02 300 amp4
READOUT and GAINSTATE are the CCD readout speed and gain setting respectively. The GAIN column refers to the multiplicative gain factor. RDNOISE refers to readout noise and BIAS refers to typical CCD bias levels. These data are calibrated regularly at the telescope and provided by the SALT project. Recent versions of the table are provided in the SALT IRAF distribution at salt$salticam/data/SALTICAMamps.dat and salt$pfis/data/PFISamps.dat, and updates will be publicized on the SALT web site at
saltgain multiplies images by a constant factor appropriate for gain correction. Each CCD in SALT’s SALTICAM and RSS instruments has two readout nodes, SALTICAM has a two-CCD mosaic and RSS has a three-CCD mosaic. Each amplifier has a specific gain factor which varies slowly over time but which is constant across the amplifiers. Gain values depend on the readout speed and gain setting of the CCD. For all possible permutations, gains are stored in an ascii table which is updated periodically. Saltgain extracts gains from the ascii table and applies them to raw data.
New gain and readout noise values will be written to the header keywords of each HDU. Keyword writing can also occur without peforming the gain correction itself. If the gain correction is performed, a keyword, GAINMULT is added to the image extension with the value 1.0. If the gain correction is not performed, GAINMULT wil contain the gain factor recorded in the ascii table. The purpose of the GAINMULT keyword is to report what multiplicative factor is required to gain correct an image.
Based on data in image keywords, e.g. gain setting, readout speed and amplifier number, saltgain will extract the correct gain and readout noise values from the ascii table and update keywords and optionally perform the gain correction.
The correction for the gain setting is based on the following equation: electrons=gain*(1+gain1*1e-6*data)*data where data is in ADU and gain is in electrons/ADU. The SALT CCDs has shown evidence of non-linearity for very bright values and this correction takes account of that. This non-linear correction is only applied for values given in the header under the GAIN1 keyword.
To correct gain and readout noise keywords in image files:
--> saltgain images='@images.lis'
gaindb='/iraf/extern/salt/pfis/data/PFISamps.dat' mult='no'
logfile='salt.log' verbose='yes'
To correct gain and readout noise keywords and gain-correct images:
--> saltgain images='@images.lis'
gaindb='/iraf/extern/salt/pfis/data/PFISamps.dat' mult='yes'
logfile='salt.log' verbose='yes'
Individual unbinned full frame RSS image files can be 112MB in size. It is recommended to use workstations with a minimum of 512MB RAM. On a linux machine with 2.8 Ghz processor and 2 Gb of RAM, one 2051x2051 image can be processed in 0.31 sec.
Currently no error propagation is performed through the calculations. This can occur once the saltprepare tool writes bad pixel and variance maps to raw data.
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