saltmosaic – mosaic multiple CCD amplifier images
saltmosaic images outimages outpref geomfile interp (cleanup) (clobber) logfile (verbose) (status)
String. This is the name of an ascii table that contains parameters describing the relational focal plane geometry between CCDs of a detector array. Working examples are stored in /iraf/extern/salt/salticam/data/SALTICAMgeom.dat and /iraf/extern/salt/pfis/data/PFISgeom.dat. The table is used both to rotate and translate CCD images with respect to each other before stitching them together within a single image. An example of the table format follows:
# PFIS CCD Geometry data
# Date gap xshift(1) yshift(1) rot(1) xshift(3) yshift(3) rot(3)
2004-01-01 90 -14.53 1.84 0.0931 2.35 0.84 -0.0337
Lines beginning with the character ‘#’ are ignored as comments. The date refers to the day after which the geometry is valid, but this is currently an unused parameter. ‘gap’ refers to the idealized distance between neighburing CCDs. Note that there are two CCD gaps in the RSS mosaic which are not of identical size, but there is only one gap parameter in the goemtry file. ‘xshift’ refers to an additional translation performed on the CCD after the gap has been introduced. Regardless of the instrument, CCD number 2 is always considered the reference CCD. This is the right-most CCD in the SALTICAM 2x1 mosiac and the middle CCD in the RSS 3x1 mosaic. The reference CCD is neither translated or rotated. All other CCDs are translated and rotated relative to the reference CCD. xshift(1) refers to the translation in the x-direction of the first CCD and xshift(3) refers to the translation in the x-direction of the third CCD. xshift is used to create CCD gaps of differing size according to on-sky calibration of the CCD geometry. ‘yshift’ refers to a CCD translation in the y-direction. gap, xshift and yshift are all recorded in raw, unbinned pixel units. ‘rot’ refers to a CCD rotation relative to the reference CCD with units of degrees.
String. The interpolation scheme used to rebin pixel values during translation and rotation. The choices are:
linear -- linear function nearest -- nearest pixel center poly3 -- 3rd order polynomial function poly5 -- 5th order polynomial function spline3 -- cubic spline function sinc -- sinc function‘nearest’ is the least expensive for CPU processing but the least accurate, the ‘sinc’ function is the most expensive.
Raw SALT data is stored in FITS files using separate file extensions for each amplifier image. Each CCD has two readout amplifiers and each detector has mulitiple CCDs. Hence a single RSS exposure is stored in 2x3 FITS extensions and single SALTICAM image is stored in 2x2 FITS extensions. saltmosaic combines a set of amplifier images, obtained during the same exposure, into a single mosaiced image, stored in a single extension of the output FITS file.
The primary extension of the output file is a direct copy of the primary HDU in the input file. The majority of primary header keywords are also propagated into the image extensions of the output file. While this results in repetition of the keywords within the file, this procedure does improve the efficiency of extracting mosaiced data into 1- or 0-dimensional form.
Before performing mosaicing tasks, saltmosaic checks each input file to ascertain that it has not already been mosaiced. The flag is provided by the PMOSAIC or SMOSAIC keywords written to the primary extension of output by saltmosaic after a successful mosaic. If the number of HDU in the input FITS file are not consistent with the geometry defined in the CCD geometry file the task will quit.
saltmosaic assumes that the overscan and underscan regions have been trimmed from the input image using e.g. the saltbias task.
Slot mode data is often stored with multiple exposures contained in a single file. saltmosaic handles slot mode consistently, i.e. if an input SALTICAM FITS file contains four exposures (16 image HDUs in total) then the output file will also contains four exposures (4 image HDUs in total).
slotmosaic performs its task in three steps:
1. For each CCD in the array, stitch the two amplifers together. This step produces a temporary FITS file, stored in the working directory, with one extension for each CCD. If the data was obtained in slot mode, the number of extensions will be a multiple of the number of CCDs in the array.
2. Rotate and translate CCD images with respect to the reference CCD using the data stored in the geometry file ‘geomfile’. This step is performed by the IRAF tool iraf.images.immatch.geotran. geotran writes further temporary files, one for each rotated and translated CCD image. No temporary file is created for the reference CCD which remains unchanged after this step.
3. For each exposure, stitch the CCDs together to form a single image, written to a file with the specified output name. This step is where the CCD gaps are introduced to the data. The output file will contain a primary extension containing only keywords and an image extension containing the mosaiced data. Slot mode data will contain multiple image extensions in the output, one for each exposure in the input image.
The accuracy and form of pixel interpolation performed by geotran is governed by the interp argument. interp=’nearest’ provdes the greatest speed but the least accuracy.
If cleanup=’no’ then all temporary files will be deleted from the disk.
To mosaic a sequence of RSS image:
--> saltmosaic images='/Volumes/data1/bxpP*.fits' outimages=''
outpref='/Volumes/data2/m' geomfile='PFISgeom.dat'
interp='linear' cleanup='yes' clobber='yes'
logfile='salt.log' verbose='yes'
Raw, unbinned RSS images have sizes exceeding 100 MB each. On a linux machine with 2.8 Ghz processor and 2 Gb of RAM, one 2051x2051 image can be processed in in 1.38 sec.
No distortion correction is performed on the amplifier images before they are mosaiced. Image distortion has yet to be calibrated or monitored on the SALT instruments.
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