specslit– Extract slits from a MOS image
specslit images outimages outpref exttype (slitfile) (outputslitfile) (regprefix) (sections) (width) (sigma) (thres) (order) (padding) (yoffset) (inter) (clobber) (logfile) (verbose)
SPECSLIT is a task to extract slits from an RSS MOS image. The task currently will use one of three methods to extract each slit from a MOS image: (1) from an XML file produced by the RSMT (which can be downloaded from the Web Manager), (2) based on an ascii file produced by specslit for the extraction from another file, or (3) based on a ds9 region file. After extracting the slits, it will produce a MEF file with a slit image in each extension.
The recommended method is to use the XML file used to cut the slit mask. The XML file can be downloaded from the Webmanager for the observed block or can be the one submitted by the user and created by either PySlitMask or the RSMT. The code will apply the RSS distortions to the on-sky slit positions to predict the slit positions in the image. The user can adjust the parameter y-offset to adjust the position of the slits. To see how well the process extracted the slits, the user can display the extracted slit regions on the original image by using the ds9 region file created if regprefix is specified. The process may need to be interated in order to determine the best central offset.
However, if the RSMT method does not produce a satisfactory method, then the output DS9 region file produced by specifying regprefix can be used to create the extracted slits. The user can adjust the slits in the image and then save the region file. When the region file is saved, it should be saved in ‘ds9’ format with ‘image’ set for the coordinate system. Then, specslit can be run using this file and exttype=’DS9’. This will produce an MEF with the regions saved in the ds9 file extracted. Likewise, the user can create their own region file but the regions must be specified as ‘box’ in order to be extracted.
If a satisfactory slit mask has already been extracted, the user can use the outputslitfile as the input for another image and by setting exttype=’ASCII’. The same slits will be extracted. Likewise, the output MEF file can also be used here if the exttype=’FITS’.
The output for the task is a multi-extension fits file. It will have a primary header and then one extenstion corresponding to each slit. The final extension will be a table containing information about each extracted slit. The extracted ymin and ymax from the original image will be included in the header for each extension. If exttype=’RSMT’, additinally information including the slitname, RA, and DEC will be included in the extension header.
EXAMPLES 1. To extract slits from files with specslit using an XML file produced by RSMT:
--> specslit image=mfxgbpP201302010032.fits outimage= outpref=t exttype=rsmt
slitfile=P000832N03.xml outputslitfile='' regprefix='' padding=5 yoffset=-12.0
clobber=yes logfile=salt.log verbose=yes
Individual unbinned raw full-frame RSS files can be 112MB in size. It is recommended to use workstations with a minimum of 512MB RAM. On a linux machine with 2.8 Ghz processor and 2 Gb of RAM, one 2051x2051 image in 0.15 sec.
No other guess types are currently accepted. If the user wants to change the function form or order and apply it to all data, they will have to restart the task.
Send feedback and bug reports to salthelp@saao.ac.za