slotback – Produce background subtracted slotmode images
slotback images outfits extension imgtype (subbacktype) (sigback) (mbin) (iter) (sorder) (ignorexp) (clobber) (logfile) (verbose) (debug)
This task produces an output fits file that either contains background selected images or the background that would be subtracted from the images. The task will select all frames from a given amplifier (as specified by extension) and compile them into a single, master fits file. If imgtype=’image’, then the output image will be background subtracted (if selected) images. If imgtype=’background’, the output will be the background that would have been subtracted from the images. The outfits file can be placed directly into slotphot for the purposes of photometry.
If selected, a global background will be subtracted from the data. The user options allow for four different options. One, no background can be subtrated. Two, the subtracted background can be created from a median smoothing of the image. Bright sources will be excluded from the image by setting the sigback value, and any pixel above that value will be replaced with the sigma-clipped mean background value. The median smoothed image will have a filter window equal to mbin and the filtering will be repeated the number of times indicated by the iter parameter. Three, a 2-D polynomial surface of order, sorder, can be fit to the image and then subtracted. Bright sources will once again be excluded. Finally, the image can be median smoothed and then have a 2-D polynomial subtracted from the unsmoothed image.
Once the outfits file has been satisfactorily created, this file can be used in slotphot by setting ampperccd=0 and updating the other settings. The srcfile must be updated so the amplifier of the sources is set to 1. In addition, the newfits file should be set to ‘none’, the subbacktype should be updated, and ignorexp should be set to zero. Then, by setting the just created newfits file as the input img, slotphot will only perform photometry on this image.
To create the background images for stars on amplifier 2:
--> slotback images="*.fits" outfits='out.fits', extension=2,
subbacktype='median', imgtype='background',
sigback=2.5, mbin=7, iter=3, sorder=3,
ignorexp=0 clobber=y logfile=salt.log verbose=y
A linux machine with 2 GB of RAM and a 2.8 Ghz processer was able to process one 4x4 binned SALTICAM slotmode exposures in 0.08 seconds. The data were median backgroun subtracted.
The current version of SLOTBACK has been tested only on SALTICAM slot mode data.
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