saltflat – Flatfield correct SALT images
saltflat images outimages outpref flatimage (minflat) (clobber) (logfile) (verbose)
SALTFLAT corrects a SALT image for flatflied variations.
The task reads in the flatfield image, flatimage. The flatimage will have any bad pixels below the minflat value replace by the minflat value. Then, the image will be normalized by its mean.
After normalizing the flatimage, SALTFLAT will divide flatimage into each of the images supplied here. If the images have variance frames, SALTFLAt will also propogate the errors through to the variance frames.
If the users wishes to only correct for pixel to pixel variations or illumination corrections, these images can be applied here but the flatimage would have to be prepared prior to running this task.
To flat field correct a SALT image:
--> saltflat images='@images.lis' outimages='' outpref='f'
flatimage='FLAT.fits' minflat=1 clobber='yes'
logfile='salt.log' verbose='yes'
Individual unbinned full frame RSS image files can be 112MB in size. It is recommended to use workstations with a minimum of 512MB RAM. On a linux machine with 2.8 Ghz processor and 2 Gb of RAM, one 2051x2051 image can be processed in 0.31 sec.
SALTFLAT will only correct by the image given to it and no other process is applied to the data. SALTFLAT will not check to make sure that the data are the right type, but will blindly apply the correction.
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